Join the Northeast Handspinners Association (NHA) in support of the promotion and education of the art and craft of handspinning.

The Northeast Handspinners Association (NHA) is a pan-New England organization serving New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

NHA provides a communications network for individuals and groups, and gives handspinners the opportunity to share, learn, educate, compete, and cooperate on a regional basis.

NHA sponsors and supports events to bring spinners from the northeastern states together, including workshops, open houses, skein contests, grants to guilds and fairs, and scholarships.

The Gathering: a biennial weekend spinning retreat that features the best in spinning classes with respected teachers from all over the US and Canada is held in even years.
In order to keep our class fees low we require anyone attending to register for classes.

The Open House: a biennial one-day spinning Open House is held in odd years.  All NHA members are welcome to attend.

Venues for both events move around the Northeast.